2 Cooling& 2 Hot Staions Backpart Moulding Machine for In Ye Machinery Co., Ltd.

2 Cooling& 2 Hot Staions Backpart Moulding Machine

2 Cooling& 2 Hot Staions Backpart Moulding Machine

Product ID: YF-7088-AInquiry


The 2 Cooling & 2 Hot Stations Back Part Moulding Machine has a new powerful hardware and software that give operator the possibility to control all functions by a single terminal. 

This machine uses heated wind to activate hot-mould glue, then applying frozen shoe mould to fasten fixing and collar for vamping stitching. It is suitable for all materials of shoes, especially for the thermoplastic material. 


  • 74, Futai St., Hsinan Rd., Waju Hsiang, Taichung Hsien, Taiwan
  • 886-4-23357829 / 886-4-23353957
  • 886-4-23353559
  • inyemachine@gmail.com